


Thanks to Netflix I have gotten sucked into the rabbit hole of documentaries. As much as I love watching back-to-back episodes of 30 Rock and Arrested Development sometimes I need a break. A couple of nights ago I found myself wanting a dose of reality so I scrolled through the documentary section a couple of times until I landed on Hungry for Change. It is all about the foods that we eat and ultimately is very convincing that we should eat more natural foods rather than the processed food and drinks we typically consume.

I have been toying with the idea of clean eating for a little over a month now, but have not made the switch. To be honest, right now it is saying a lot that I am doing a lot of home cooking rather than eating out. However, I will admit that Hungry for Change opened my eyes enough that I visited the local natural foods store the day after watching it and bought a few essentials that I was out of at home like milk, flour, bananas, and carrots. 

Another topic that Hungry for Change talked a lot about was juicing. I will admit that I have not been much of a fan of juicing because I did not fully understand what you were doing for yourself by juicing. It was all I could do to keep from stocking up on fresh fruits and kale while at the store before heading over to Target to purchase a juicer for myself.

Like I said... very convincing documentary.

Right now I have resigned to making small changes in my diet to be healthier, but have not committed to taking the full on clean eating plunge. I have also done a lot better about not eating out. I was traveling last week and do confess that I got a little too happy when I hit up Five Guys, but then felt a little remorseful considering there was a fresh foods restaurant only a few steps away. 

I think this is definitely a step in the right direction for me. I have found that Pinterest in just an absolute blessing when it comes to clean eating recipes (and healthy recipes in general). 

Have you touched on clean eating at all or healthier eating in general? What have you done that works for you?


  1. I am totally going to go watch this now! I have been trying out clean eating and I really like it. It is a bit more expensive. But it's fun to experiment. What has helped me get into it is following people on Instagram who have accounts specifically for clean eating.

    These last two are a bunch of desserts

    What has worked for me really is cutting out regular desserts and trying out these healthier desserts. And it's also important not to ignore cravings. Cause if you do you'll just go crazy and have a junk food party. If you like fruit it shouldn't be too hard for you. It involves alot of fruit eating.

    You're going to need alot of rolled oats and bananas and almond milk and coconut oil and Greek yogurt
    Those are the things I go through the fastest
    Hope this helps!


  2. I'm trying to eat clean! Last week a friend introduced me to the instagram @fitmentcook and I've been trying out his recipes! Desserts are my weakness but @fitmencook's version of the banana split is perfectly satisfying to my sweet tooth and clean eating plan. :)

  3. Thanks for sharing these with me! I have also done a bit of searching on Instagram and was completely inspired, especially when it came to juicing.

  4. I am a total sucker for sweets. I have found some good ones on Pinterest like banana icecream that I am for sure going to try!
