


One of my absolute favorite startups/websites right now is Levo League. If you have not joined the Levo League, please do yourself a favor do it now! They offer so much great career and personal advice to the GenY woman. It may seem that all of their articles and information is targeted to the career woman, but trust me when I say there is so much applicability for college women as well.

Recently, Levo posted an article about the benefits of working out for career women. As I read through the article, they made so many wonderful observations that are completely true. One of my favorite observations is that whenever we get busy with our jobs (or school and extracurriculars) the first thing that gets pushed to the back burner is our exercise. The article goes on to offer a lot of great things that exercise benefits that is, again, applicable to college students as well.

I took this article to heart (since it is finally summer) and instead of taking a nap, I got my tail to the gym for the best hour-long workout ever. I ran. I cycled. I elipticalled. I sweated. I wanted to stop, but I promised myself I would let the entire high-energy playlist play through. (Confession: At one point I did almost stop, but realized I had two songs left and powered through.) At the end of it all I was proud of myself. It felt good.

It is easier said than done, but this is definitely something I want to make a part of my routine. After the workout, I slept like a baby for the first time in a long time. I went to work the next day with more confidence and determination in my work. Just imagine how powerful a regular workout could be for you doing the school year.

A big way that I motivate myself to go to the gym is by promising myself some "me time" while I'm there. With the exception of using my iPod on my phone I do not check email, social media, reply to text messages, etc. It is nice to not only work on my physical health, but also my mental health.

My playlist is pretty unique to myself. I added in a lot of my current favorites to really get myself motivated the entire time. I also strategically placed my favorite really high energy songs in the middle so that if I was getting tired it would pump me back up.

What songs are on your workout playlist? Do you prefer to exercise in the gym or outdoors?

P.S. If you want some delicious inspiration for snacks, check out Chobani's Instagram!

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