I am so happy to be guest blogging today! I am currently attending graduate school and am a recent Alpha Delta Pi alumna. I believe that ADPi has changed my life and introduced me to some of the most amazing women who are not only my friends but sisters. If you are not familiar with my blog, A Southern Brunette, I would love for you to stop by and check it out!
Recently, I've been missing my sorority sisters more and more. Being more than three hours away in Dallas makes it a little hard for me to visit as often as I would like to. So, I wanted to highlight my favorite moments from my sorority days...
5. DLC (District Leadership Conference)
Every year, Alpha Delta Pi hosts what is called DLC. It's a weekend learning opportunity for ADPi sisters all across the U.S. to not only improve each chapter but, Alpha Delta Pi as a whole. The conference is split up between the six districts across the U.S. by geography. Texas is in district five and our conference is always in Tulsa, OK. In the bus, together with all my sisters, was such a blast and really made the long trip much more bearable. The conference includes workshops that focus on leadership, communication, marketing, and goal setting. Chapters also learn social media tips and have individual officer break out sessions. My fondest memory from the whole trip was just being able to meet other sisters, not just from Texas but even as far away as Missouri. Getting to talk to fellow sisters about problems, accomplishments, and everything in between makes it so much easier to improve not just your chapter but yourself as a woman.
4. Connecting with a LC (Leadership Consultant)
Each year, Alpha Delta Pi headquarters interviews hundreds of sisters for the chance of being one of ten (or sometimes anywhere up to fifteen) leadership consultants. These women travel to the over 140 chapters of Alpha Delta Pi to help with anything from recruitment to membership. These ladies are also confidants and are some of the most amazing women I've ever met in my life. My chapter had the privilege of having Jessica Johnson stay with us as our LC for fall 2012. She was amazing, I mean words cannot describe how beautiful she was on the inside and out. She was someone that I knew I could go speak with, no matter what my problem or concern was. From boy problems, to ADPi questions, to applying for grad school, she was my rock during the time she was with us.
3. Living in the Pi Palace
Yes I know the Pi Palace seems so over the top but, we can't help being fabulous. I made the choice of living in my sorority house for 2 years and I loved every minute of it! Not only was it so convenient and cozy, but I got so much closer to my sisters through those years. Having home cooked meals and the campus bus stop at our finger tips was nothing but amazing. My roommates and I became so close (sometimes too close) that we could finish each other sentences and knew each others tendencies. I loved being able to find someone to do absolutely anything with, from Target runs to grabbing sushi for dinner. My time living in the ADPi house was one that I'll never forget.
2. Events
From crush parties, grab-a-dates, semi, and formal, sorority events can sometimes seem excessive or overdone. Figuring out a theme, finding a costume, a date, and finishing that formal cooler can see daunting. BUT, it's nothing that a few sisters can't help with. I can honestly remember every sorority (and fraternity) event I went with my sisters. From getting ready together, jamming out, and doing each others' hair and make up were some of the best times I had with them. Sometimes I cannot describe to people how much my sisters mean to me because they are there for me through thick and thin. If I had to describe Alpha Delta Pi's sisterhood in four words it would be happiness, love, loyalty, and sisterhood. Our open motto, "We Live For Each Other" exemplifies that kind of bond my sisters and I share. No matter what challenges we face, we know we can overcome them with the strength of each other.

This is my number one favorite memory because I absolutely love my little to the moon and back. We are best friends and seriously inseparable. I am so incredibly blessed to have such an amazing girl in my life. We have been through so many different things together and have always been there every step of the way. Sometimes I think she needs some sort of trophy for putting up with me and my craziness, shout out to my little Kate! I can remember the first time we met was at an ADPi sleepover at the house and she was wearing a silk Victoria's Secret pajama set, and there I was in an oversized fraternity t-shirt and Nike shorts (slob moment). And guess what, things haven't really changed much. She is always put together with Anthropologie, J.Crew, and Ann Taylor while I'm still wearing those same t-shirt and shorts. It's the little moments that count, and what I think are the most special in your heart. I will never forget the all-nighters we pulled, the countless hours of talking, or the memories we shared together. I love you Kate, and you will always have a special place in my heart.
What are some of y'alls favorite sorority memories? A BIG thank you to Jen for including me on her blog! You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!
I have great memories as a collegian but my best memories are as an alumna of Alpha Omicron Pi. The best is just ahead!