


I am always saying I wish we had things like Pinterest whenever I was an active member. Even though it wasn't that long ago, Pinterest just wasn't a thing. I feel like one of those old ladies when I say this. Well, now I have another reason to be jealous of you all in your world of technology (says the girl updating the blog).

I received an email the other day from a company called EventWith. EventWith is a FREE event planning app. I think it would be an amazing tool to use with committees. Here's more about it!

Let me know what you like, don't like, want added, etc. because the company is willing to make revisions based on your feedback!

Isn't this just about the coolest thing ever?? Now you have fun playing around with it and planning your next event while I go pout about being old.


  1. oh this is so perfect & will come in handy as we plan remaining spring events -- thanks!!

  2. Hi there, thanks for liking EventWith. We are new a startup with the aim to make event planning more fun when doing it together. It will be great to get your feedback :-)
    Danielle (EventWith)
