


As much as I depend on my iPhone, iPad, and computer I still have to have a daily planner. I don't know what it is about jotting down a meeting or reminder in one that makes it feel so much more official and makes me feel more organized. When it comes to what I write in my planner I am very selective. For example, my iPhone calendar is constantly going off with appointment reminders, but unless something is 85% going to happen I refuse to write it in my planner.

I also tend to be quite OCD when it comes to organizing my planner because I color-code everything. I purchased the big pack of Sharpie pens to help me keep everything organized. However, this process can get a little exhausting when I don't have that much time in a day to sort through the items I am writing as it is. I haven't exactly decided if I am going to continue color-coding my planner in 2013 yet.

I finally broke down and purchased a new planner for the new year, which is ridiculous considering I have the 2012-2013 Lilly agenda. But there is something about starting a new year, with a new planner that feels therapeutic to me. Here are some lovely planners that I have been coveting:

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

How do you organize your planner? Do you color-code?


  1. I used to have a Sarah Pinto planner and it was great! I have to say, though, that my Lilly planner is the perfect size for me.

    1. I have been through the Sarah Pinto, Lilly, and Erin Condren over the past 2 years. I just keep rotating through them because they are all so great.

  2. I'm using iCal on my Mac and phone this year, but next year I want to try a Lilly planner. All the girls in my sorority have one and they're so cute1

    1. I love that the Lilly planners come in so many different prints and sizes. I always look forward to seeing what they are. This year I had one with alligators on it :)

  3. All are great picks! It is hard to go wrong as long as it has enough space and a cute design!

  4. I have the alligator Lilly as well! I'm very obsessive about my planners and I actually had the flamingo Lilly until my cousin drew all in it and I just had to start fresh.

    I also color code :)

    All my friends laugh because they don't use planners anymore, just their iPhones but it really does feel so much more official to write it down.
