


Something that I have hardly touched on the blog is life as an alumna. This is strange merely due to the fact that I am an alumna. I should be much more in tune with that part of life rather than the undergraduate experience. Alas, I am not and I freely admit that. I have been an alumna for a couple of years now and unfortunately have not committed the time or resources to get involved in my local alumnae chapter. I regret this so much, but it just hasn't been doable between work, grad school, and maintaining somewhat of a normal life in between.

Even though I haven't made the plunge to join an alumnae chapter I have participated in some great alumnae activities and made some contributions to support my chapter as well as the chapter in my current area. I think it is so great to add in the alumna component because it reconnects you so much to your sorority. There have been times that I have forgotten parts of the Ritual or had my favorite song resurface only to realize it has been ages since I last thought about it. 

Luckily, I have the opportunity to work with young women who are members of my sorority and we get to talk about on occasion. For me, this has instilled a connection to the lifelong commitment that I believe is so important. However, that doesn't work for everyone so I thought it would be fun to discuss some ways to rededicate yourself to your sorority as an alumna!

Alumnae Chapters | I think the easiest and most beneficial thing you can do is join a local alumnae chapter. Not only is it a great way to meet people in your area, but most alumnae chapters also support a collegiate chapter. Also, if you are a new alumna then you probably have more time resources available than monetary resources. This is a great way to find out what the chapters need and ways that you can serve as a volunteer.

Inter/National Volunteer | Speaking of volunteering, your headquarters are always looking for volunteers to help start a new chapter, serve as an advisor, assist with updating educational programs, and serve on boards. With our inter/national organizations growing so rapidly, there is a need to demonstrate support and our alumnae are the only way we can do that. Find out who you would need to contact at headquarters to help out in this way.

Your Chapter | So maybe you don't have time to join an alumnae chapter or serve as an advisor, you can always get in contact with your chapter and help out even if you don't live nearby. I am fortunate to work in an environment that is brimming with ideas that will also help my undergrad chapter so I report back to the Recruitment Advisor every so often. As a result she tells me when the chapter has needs. Recruitment was my thing as a collegiate member. Think of ways that you can help out with your favorite thing in the chapter even if you are not the advisor.

Philanthropy | When it comes down to it we all love our philanthropy. Make a point to set aside a little money each year to donate to your chapter or a local chapter to go directly to their philanthropy efforts. I truly believe this is such a large part of the overall membership experience.

Letters of Recommendation | A big way you can help your sorority is by making yourself available to PNMs as a reference. This is so easy considering a lot of organizations are moving towards an online recommendation form or one that is very simple to fill out. You can do this by putting your membership out there so PNMs know who to come to whenever it is time to get those rec. letters.

What are some ways you have gotten involved as an alumna?

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