


The state of Oklahoma is very near and dear to my heart. I spent many summers there as a child in Oklahoma City. When I heard the news about the devastation in Moore yesterday I could not help but feel an out pour of sadness and disbelief. During these times there is so much I want to do to help, but I know I physically cannot leave my job to go help families clean up the rubble left behind that used to be their family heirlooms. I cannot do anything to bring back the lives lost or console those who lost loved ones. However, we can help out by donating to the Red Cross.

Having been a victim of a tornado I know the impact the Red Cross has on these shattered communities. I know how wonderful it feels to have a warm meal in your stomach after a long day of picking up the pieces or to have some of the only clothes you have washed so you can finally change. These volunteers do so much to boost personal morale to disaster victims and provide that little bit of positivity.

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