


For the past week now I have been denying that I am getting sick. I finally broke down on Saturday and bought some medicine to knock out this cold, but I am still coughing, sneezing, etc. I know I am getting better, but I am also super tired. This little sickness has knocked me out. This morning I had an early meeting and it was all I could do to get out of bed on time. I have also been eating cough drops like it is my job.

We get so wrapped up in our day-to-day lives that I think we forget that sometimes we have to take a seat when we are a little under the weather. I am so guilty of not taking enough time for myself to get better when I know I should. I do not get sick often by any means (and I feel totally guilty for calling myself sick right now compared to how bad I could be feeling), but with our hectic schedules we have to let ourselves get back to 100% or it is likely we will get sick again. Sometimes we need to take a sick day, like I did yesterday, just to relax. Here is my method to getting better. It is nothing fancy, but it works wonders!

Also make sure you have your coziest pajamas. There is something therapeutic about them, I swear. If you are experiencing a cold I hope you get to feeling better soon!

P.S. If you want to kill some time while resting up, check out the newest Book Club selection!

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